11 Best Content Repurposing Tools (2023)

Greetings, fellow content crafters. Ever found yourself in a Groundhog Day-like cycle, much like our friend Bill Murray, producing an endless stream of identical content? Allow me to introduce you to your revelation: content repurposing.

Repurposing Content: What, Why, Who

Let’s demystify content repurposing. It’s the intersection of art and science where your existing content is skillfully transformed and adapted into various formats or platforms. Consider it as a rejuvenation spa for your content, complete with a fresh, chic makeover.

Why should you repurpose content? Think of it as a three-tiered cake of advantages: Reach. Engagement. Efficiency. You can extend your content’s wingspan, intrigue your audience in diverse ways, and extract the maximum potential from each content piece you craft. It’s your all-star trio of content marketing!

Who’s the ideal candidate for content repurposing? Anyone and everyone involved in the creation of content, which, let’s face it, is virtually all of us in the current era. Content repurposing should be your go-to strategy.

Yes, the path of content repurposing might seem a tad daunting initially, but fear not. You have a twofold solution. You can harness the sheer power of top-tier online tools we’re about to delve into, or you can entrust the experts – that’s us here at Frontways. Our forte lies in metamorphosing your existing content into an array of engaging formats that will strike a chord with your audience. Eager to squeeze the most juice out of your content? Reach out to us now and let’s embark on this journey together!

Content Repurposing: A Nostalgic Journey

Let’s turn back time to the golden era when families would huddle around the radio, listening intently to every word. Then came the advent of television, and radio shows seamlessly transitioned into TV programs. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s the magic of content repurposing. It’s a practice as old as time, and in today’s world, with a plethora of content platforms and formats, it’s more pertinent than ever.

In the following section, we’ll dive into a selection of the finest content repurposing tools that will empower you to become a content repurposing maestro. So, fasten your seatbelts, and let’s take the plunge into content creation process!

Content Repurposing Software: Your All-Star Lineup

BuzzSumo: Your Content Marketing “Crystal Ball”

Main Purpose: Content Research

Kicking off our lineup is BuzzSumo, your content marketing’s “private detective”. BuzzSumo lets you keep a finger on the pulse of trending topics and the most shared content, enabling you to pinpoint content ripe for repurposing. It’s akin to possessing a futuristic crystal ball that predicts the most effective content. Looking to morph your blog post into an infographic or a podcast? BuzzSumo guides you in making smart decisions. 

Its sturdy features, user-friendliness, competitive pricing, and high ROI place BuzzSumo at a sturdy 8.5 on our Repurposing Versatility Score.

Canva: Your Personal “Interior Decorator” of Content Design

Main Purpose: Blog Post To Visuals and Video

Next, we have Canva, the “interior decorator” of your content. Canva enables you to reinvent your blog post into eye-catching graphics, slides, and more. It’s user-friendly, and you don’t need to be a Michelangelo to utilize it. 

Owing to its broad spectrum of features, simplicity of use, affordability, and impressive ROI, Canva secures an 8.7 on our Repurposing Versatility Score.

MeetEdgar: Social Media Scheduling tool

Main Purpose: Text To Social Media posts

Next in line is MeetEdgar, the maestro conducting your social media symphony. It’s a scheduling tool that can breathe new life into your older posts by resharing them across your social media platforms. With its auto-refill queue and category-based scheduling, MeetEdgar ensures that your content gets the exposure it deserves, maximizing your reach and engagement. 

Given its unique features, user-friendly interface, pricing, and high ROI, MeetEdgar scores a commendable 8.7 on our Repurposing Versatility Score.

Visme: The “Michelangelo” of Visual Content Creation

Main Purpose: Text To Infographics for Social media

Then we have Visme, the Michelangelo of your content Sistine Chapel. It’s a versatile tool that empowers you to transform your written content into visually engaging presentations, infographics, and social media graphics. With its extensive library of templates and easy-to-use design features, even those without a background in graphic design can create professional-looking visuals. 

Given its array of features, ease of use, competitive pricing, and high ROI, Visme earns a remarkable 9.1 on our Repurposing Versatility Score.

Lumen5: Your In-house “Animation Studio” for Video Content

Main Purpose: Text To Video content

Then we have Lumen5, your personal “animation studio” for content video marketing. It empowers you to transform your blogs, articles, and scripts into captivating videos. 

With its unique features, intuitive interface, competitive pricing, and high ROI, Lumen5 bags a remarkable 9.0 on our Repurposing Versatility Score.

InVideo: The “Blockbuster Director” of Content Transformation

Main Purpose: Text To Video content

InVideo is another remarkable tool that morphs your content into high-quality videos, akin to being the director of your very own “blockbuster film”. 

Thanks to its vast array of features, user-friendly nature, affordability, and high ROI, InVideo locks in a solid 8.8 on our Repurposing Versatility Score.

Designrr: Your Personal “Book Publisher” for Content Marketers

Main Purpose: Blog Posts To Ebooks

Designrr is your personal “book publisher”, converting your blog posts into eBooks, reports, or whitepapers. 

Considering its feature-rich nature, ease of use, pricing, and high ROI, Designrr earns an 8.6 on our Repurposing Versatility Score.

Animoto: The “DreamWorks” of Video Content

Main Purpose: Blog Posts To YouTube Videos

Next on our list is Animoto, the “DreamWorks” of your content journey. It’s a video creation tool that lets you convert blog posts into captivating video content, with options for custom text, social media images, and music. Its drag-and-drop design makes it user-friendly, even if you’re a novice in video creation. 

With its distinct features, ease of use, pricing, and high ROI, Animoto earns an 8.9 on our Repurposing Versatility Score.

Sonix.ai: The “Court Stenographer” of Audio Transcriptions

Main Purpose: Video and Audio file to Text

Rounding out our list is Sonix.ai, the “court stenographer” of your content courtroom. This AI-powered service is excellent for transcribing your podcasts or videos into written content, making it accessible to a wider audience. It’s fast, accurate, and offers support for multiple languages. 

Given its unique features, user-friendly interface, pricing, and high ROI, Sonix.ai bags an impressive 9.0 on our Repurposing Versatility Score.

Rev: Another Stenographer for Transcriptions

Main Purpose: Video and Audio to Text

Rev serves as your “court stenographer”, providing transcriptions for your podcasts and videos, akin to having a personal scribe. 

With its unique features, user-friendliness, competitive pricing, and high ROI, Rev secures an 8.9 on our Repurposing Versatility Score.

Repurpose.io: Your “Swiss Army Knife” of Repurposing content

Main Purpose: All-in-One Social Media Repurposing

Finally, we have Repurpose.io, a tool that automates the process of repurposing and distributing your blog posts and social media content across multiple platforms. It’s your “Swiss Army Knife” in the realm of content marketing efforts. 

Thanks to its robust features, ease of use, pricing, and high ROI, Repurpose.io scores an impressive 9.2 on our Repurposing Versatility Score.

That concludes our lineup of the best content repurposing software available. Now, we’ll delve into some FAQs, where we’ll tackle your pressing queries about content repurposing. Shall we proceed? Let’s dive in!

Your Burning Questions Answered

What is an example of repurposing content?

Imagine that friend who never fails to recycle their old jokes at gatherings. That’s repurposing content. In a business scenario, it could be as straightforward as metamorphosing a blog post into a podcast or a video, or converting customer testimonials into social media posts.

What is content repurposing, and why is it important?

Content repurposing is like granting your content a second, third, or even fourth lease on life. It’s your content phoenix, reborn from the ashes of your hard drive. It enables you to broaden your audience reach, engage them in diverse ways, and maximize the mileage of each content piece you create. It’s a practice that’s efficient, effective, and simply ingenious.

What is a content repurposing agency?

Have you ever watched a makeover show? Content repurposing agencies are akin to the stylists on that show, but for your content. They transform your existing content into various formats, helping you reach and engage a wider audience. It’s like recruiting a personal trainer for your content. On that note, did you know that Frontways offers stellar content repurposing services? We can give your content the makeover it merits. How about reaching out to discover more?

What is content repurpose workflow?

A content repurposing workflow is akin to your grandmother’s cherished recipe, but crafted for your content. It’s a systematic procedure or a sequence of steps to identify, pick, and remodel your existing content into diverse formats. It serves as your content repurposing compass.

How do I repurpose content for SEO?

Think of repurposing content for SEO as concocting a gourmet meal for Google. You take your current content, season it with keywords, adorn it with meta tags, and present it on a tray of backlinks. It propels you higher in search results and lures more organic traffic. Bon appétit, Google!

Is it OK to repurpose content?

Is it alright to don your favorite pair of jeans more than once? Of course! As long as you’re not cloning content verbatim (Google frowns upon that), repurposing is a savvy and efficient strategy to maximize your content’s potential. So, by all means, grant your content a new lease on life!

What kinds of content can I repurpose?

A better question would be, what can’t you repurpose! Blogs, videos, podcasts, webinars, social media posts, customer testimonials, user-generated content – the list is expansive. It’s akin to a content smorgasbord. So, grab your plate, and start piling on!

And there we are! You’re now equipped with the know-how and tools to repurpose your content like a virtuoso. But remember, while the DIY route can be enjoyable, sometimes it’s best to entrust the task to the experts. At Frontways, we’re maestros of content repurposing. We transform your existing pieces into refreshing, captivating content that resonates with your audience. Eager to squeeze more juice from your content? Reach out to us today, and let’s embark on your content repurposing voyage!

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